Saturday, February 19, 2011

First post from Africa!

We are currently sitting on the ground in an Ethiopian Airport. After not much sleep in the Washington DC airport (on the floor, freezing), we finally boarded on Ethiopian Airlines . The flight over here was super long, but really nice! We rode in a plane with two aisles! I didn't think those things were real, that they only existed in the movies. Turns out you have to fly across the ocean to experience that greatness. 

Every individual seat had it's own little tv screen. It had movies, games, and music. Hours of fun! I watched two movies, two tv shows, played sudoku until I got the high score, and played a lot of Solitaire without winning once. Taylor watched a couple movies as well , and we both took a few naps. We're about nine hours ahead of Omaha time, so we're a little jet-lagged. Taylor mostly. He can't seem to wake up. 

The people have been so great already. Everyone on the plane was so nice and helpful. It was fun getting to know them. 

In about two hours, we'll be flying from here to Rwanda, then hopefully making it to Congo before it gets too late. I don't think they have any flights out of Rwanda during the afternoon, so we may be staying in a hotel tonight and making it to Congo tomorrow. 

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support! I'll be updating again as soon I get a chance!